Welcome and thank you for
selecting PMNZ

“We’ll take care of it….”

You’ve got enough on your plate – let us handle the detail. At PMNZ, our goal is to save you time and money and eliminate stress by doing what we do best – taking care of the critical details so you don’t have to.


‘PMNZ, Your Trusted Property Manager’

  1. PMNZ is a trusted Property Management Company. Our Director, Neil O'Connor, has been involved in Property Management and Real Estate Sales since 1986 and AREINZ qualified since 1995.  Neil received a Ministerial appointment in 2018 to the Ministry of Justice 'READT' (Real Estate Agents Disciplinary Tribunal.) This appointment has recently been reconfirmed for another 4 years. Neil is completely involved in the day-to-day management processes. You can rest assured that he is always on hand to protect your interests.  At the end of the day…YOUR investment is OUR investment!  
  2. PMNZ are extremely dedicated to providing you with the best possible service. We know, respect and understand from experience that only by maintaining high quality service will we secure your trust and therefore attract your referrals. Referrals are the life blood of our business!
  3. PMNZ subscribe to the most advanced and trusted Property Management software systems available. Safety and security of confidential information is critical.  We are committed to providing the highest level of service and professionalism to our investment property owners and our tenants.  Utilising  the most up to date systems and procedures to ensure we can deliver on that commitment is paramount.        MRI Palace    TPS Tenancy    Tapi Maintenance Manager  

         Our cornerstones;

      Experience - Integrity - Passion - Empathy